eDocs Document Types
The new document type ‘Debtor Payment Advice’ has been added. This will be sent to configured customers when Direct Pay is selected in Cash Receipt entry to advise them of Continue ReadingeDocs Document Types
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
The new document type ‘Debtor Payment Advice’ has been added. This will be sent to configured customers when Direct Pay is selected in Cash Receipt entry to advise them of Continue ReadingeDocs Document Types
This option is to specify a transaction type where instructions are sent by the site to Direct Debit funds from the Customer’s bank account into the site’s bank account.
The following fields have been added to the ‘Customer’ table: Auto Pay BSB Number Bank Account Number Bank Reference Number eDoc Dir Deb Advice Out Method eDoc Dir Deb Advice Continue ReadingReport Generator & Import/Export Utility
Sites will now have the ability to log and report on Freight expenses from their Carriers. Warehousing > Maintenance > Freight Expense Maintenance A Despatched Invoice can be searched for Continue ReadingFreight Expense Tracking
The Pricing Rules screen has received the following additions: The Customer’s Price Code is now displayed at the top of the screen An ‘End Date’ column has been added to Continue ReadingCustomer Maintenance > Pricing and Discounts > Pricing Rules
A Conversation log will now be automatically added when a Picking/Packing Slip is printed or Picking slip reprinted. This will display the User/Date/Time and advise which document was printed and Continue ReadingInvoice Log > Picking/Packing Slip Conversation
Printed Manifests will now get stored to allow Users to reprint them. This ‘Reprint Stored’ option has been added to the Manifest Detail screen (;MAN) as a selection under ‘Print Continue ReadingDespatch System > Reprint Stored Manifest
When creating/maintaining a ‘Self Managed Super Fund’ record, the following bank details can be entered: BSB Number Account Number Account Name
The following fields will be included in the Superannuation file if the super fund has been set to ‘Self Managed Super Fund’ in ‘Superannuation Maintenance’: BSB Number Account Number Account Continue ReadingSuperannuation Payments > Create File
The Zone Summary will now be shown in Zone ID order.