Despatch System
A new ACR only ‘Despatch Measurements’ configuration has been introduced with the below options: ‘By Consignment’ – This is the system default (and how the system currently works) where by Continue ReadingDespatch System
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
A new ACR only ‘Despatch Measurements’ configuration has been introduced with the below options: ‘By Consignment’ – This is the system default (and how the system currently works) where by Continue ReadingDespatch System
C-Bill Warehouse Maintenance A new ‘Stock Area’ dropdown has been added with the options of Stock Area 1 and Stock Area 2. All existing/new records will default to Stock Area Continue ReadingC-Bill (Distributors- Central Billing)
The Order Sources (as selected in the header section of the Invoice Screen) are now configurable. Please contact the ACR Training Team if you wish to discuss changing the available Continue ReadingInvoicing System > Invoice Order Source (ACR Configuration only)
Within Carrier Maintenance a new ‘Despatch Pallets and Cartons’ tickbox has been added. If True, the system will print labels for both Pallet Count and Carton Count (within Despatch /Confirmations Continue ReadingWarehousing > Despatch Pallets and Cartons (Border Express)
Within Carrier Maintenance a new ‘No Measurements’ tickbox has been added. If True, the Carrier will not require Weight/Dimensions. This means when in Confirmation / Despatch Systems, the system will skip Continue ReadingWarehousing > No Measurements
The Multi Export/Replace Utility has been designed to export out a list of Customer Pricing/Promo Groups and, after modifications to the Pricing/Promo Groups, be imported back into the system to Continue ReadingMulti Export / Replace Utility
Sites can now be configured so as Customers may belong to more than one Customer Price/Promo Group. Please contact the ACR Training Team to advise if you would like to Continue ReadingMulti Customer Groups (Customer Pricing Group & Customer Promo Group)
Index Form Configuration will now support two new options for the ‘Product’, ‘Product-Customer’ and ‘Product-Supplier’ index forms: ‘Stock Area 2 SOH’ ‘Web Listing Priority’
Within the Order Search screen the Volume fields ‘Total Vol.Litres’ and ‘Vol.Litres’ have been updated and renamed to ‘Total Cubic Metres’ and ‘Cubic Metres’ respectively.
In certain scenarios, when the system is calculating a Price, there are 3 decimal places that will require rounding. For example a Pricing Module that has been set with a Continue ReadingPrice Service Rounding