Mail Order System – Compiled Items
When a Compiled Item is added to an invoice it is now possible to modify the Ord, Ship and Bk Ord Quantities. These quantities can be changed as long as Continue ReadingMail Order System – Compiled Items
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
When a Compiled Item is added to an invoice it is now possible to modify the Ord, Ship and Bk Ord Quantities. These quantities can be changed as long as Continue ReadingMail Order System – Compiled Items
When a Compiled Item is added to an invoice it is now possible to modify the Ord, Ship and Bk Ord Quantities. These quantities can be changed as long as Continue ReadingInvoicing System – Compiled Items
There has been a change made to where the ;Q command can be used in the Mail Order system. The ;Q command can only be used from the Standard Mail Continue ReadingMail Order System – Redrawing Quote
There has been a change made to where the ;Q command can be used in the Invoicing system. The ;Q command can only be used from the Standard Invoice screen Continue ReadingInvoicing System – Redrawing Quote
There has been a new button added to the Payment Allocation screens as specified above. Debtor Payment Allocation Creditor Payment Allocation Bills Payment Allocation The Import File Results screen when Continue ReadingPayment Allocation – New Button Added
The Import History screen displays all previously imported files. It also displays the number of records that were updated under the count column as well as the number of records Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility – Import History
The Rollback button has been changed to Import History.
The Import utility screen has been updated to include a Summary and Re-validate button. The summary button displays a screen showing how many of each type of Warning/Error exist on Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility – Import Types
A new “Unrec Special Price” drop down has been added to the Customer Maintenance – B2B screen. The options on this drop down are: Prompt for Operator Accept Special ‘D’ Continue ReadingCustomer Maintenance – B2B
An additional “Import File” button has been added to the following Payment Allocation screens: Debtor Payment Allocations Auto Payment Allocations STD Payment Allocations Creditor Payment Allocations Bills Payment Allocation The Continue ReadingPayment Allocation