Price Rounding Maintenance
A new item has been added to the ACR menu. It is called Price Rounding Maintenance. This screen allows for the setting up of rules on how sale prices will Continue ReadingPrice Rounding Maintenance
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
A new item has been added to the ACR menu. It is called Price Rounding Maintenance. This screen allows for the setting up of rules on how sale prices will Continue ReadingPrice Rounding Maintenance
When contacting ACR for Support you may be asked to run the application Teamviewer. This is a program that allows the ACR team to view your screen (only for the Continue ReadingUsing Team Viewer
A change has been made to the Set Lengths option under Product Maintenance. A new set of buttons have been added to this screen. The buttons are the ‘Add’ and Continue ReadingProduct Maintenance – Set Lengths