Zone > Picking Slips
For sites that have Zones configured within their system, you will now see this information printed on Picking Slips. The benefit of this is to clarify information for pickers as Continue ReadingZone > Picking Slips
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
For sites that have Zones configured within their system, you will now see this information printed on Picking Slips. The benefit of this is to clarify information for pickers as Continue ReadingZone > Picking Slips
An enhancement to the ‘Misc Configurations’ for controlling RF picking and confirmation has been made. When the ‘Force Barcode scan in RF gun’ is set to true (via Misc Configurations), Continue ReadingMisc Configurations > RF Picking and Confirmation
The end of the Financial Year is fast approaching! As we know there are a lot of things that need to be checked and double checked before we can be Continue ReadingEnd of Financial Year Checklist
The following steps are to be undertaken AFTER completing all final June dated pays, but BEFORE any July dated pays. DO NOT RUN THE “PAYG WITHHOLDING REPORT” AT THIS STAGE!! Continue ReadingPayroll Year End Procedure – 2019
There are two new radio options in the Specials System, “All Specials” and “Exclude Expired” are two new options which allow users to either Retrieve All Specials- or Retrieve only Continue ReadingSpecial System > Exclude Inactive Specials
‘Auto Back Order Allocation’ is a new ACR only configuration available within the Ordering System. Immediately after a Stock Receipt is processed, if set to True, it will perform a Continue ReadingOrdering Configuration > Auto Back Order Allocation (ACR only Configuration)
When Activating a Stocktake and selecting ‘Create Manual Stocktake via Keyboard’, the system will now warn users if they have entered a Discontinued Product.
When searching for Customers, Suppliers and Employees, users will now be able to search using a valid Email Address. The system will return any records where the Email address matches Continue ReadingGlobal Search > Email address
Users can now click the column headers to sort the list, the way this is sorted is also the sequence that the Requisitions will be printed in. For example you Continue ReadingAuto Payments > Requisitions
Two new columns have been added to the Price Validation Maintenance screen. The ‘Customer Name’ and ‘Electronic Order Destination’ information will now be shown for your reference.