There have been a number of exciting changes made to the Customer Authorisation screen to make the information presented in this screen easier to interpret at a quick glance.
The changes include adding visual gauges to show at a glance the state of a customer Credit Limit and Overdue Status. These gauges help allow a user to quickly see the state of the customer’s account without needing to compare a number of numeric fields.
A new field has been added called ‘New Balance Inc This Sale’. This field displays what the balance of the account will be after this sale, where Unprinted invoices and Unprocessed Payments have been taken into account.
The information presented on this screen has been re-arranged so that all of the Customer and Credit Limit information is shown on the left hand side of the screen above the new Credit Limit gauge, and the Account Overdue information shows on the right hand side above the Overdue Gauge.
Two new Gauges have been added to the Customer Authorisation screen: A Credit Limit Gauge and an Overdue Gauge. These have been designed to allow the user at a glance to see the state of the customer’s account and decide if they have enough information to approve the transaction or if they need to review the data more closely before deciding. These gauges will only show if the computer that is accessing ACR has internet connectivity. If the computer does not have an internet connection the gauges will be replaced by ACR logo’s.
The two gauges are:
Credit Limit Gauge
The Credit Limit gauge indicates how much of the customer’s credit limit will have been used after this sale. The gauge compares the ‘New Balance Inc This Sale field to the credit limit field. This gauge is split into two sections: the green left hand side and the red right hand side.
If the needle is on the green side, it represents that the account is under their credit limit. The gauge will move from left to right to reflect how much of the credit limit has been used. If the needle is to the far left point of the gauge it represents a zero dollar balance. It will then move up towards the centre as more of the credit limit is used.
When the needle is in the upright position between green and red it represents that after this sale the full credit limit will have been used.
The red side represents the account is over their credit limit. The needle will move further into the red section the more over their credit limit they go the further into the red the needle will move. The needle will reach the far right point on the gauge once the account balance reaches double the credit limit or more.
Overdue Gauge
The Overdue gauge indicates which period the customer’s overdue balance falls in. The gauge looks at which periods the customer has outstanding balances in and displays a visual representation of this. It will take into account any unprocessed payments and any negative values, applying these against the oldest balances first to determine if there is an overdue amount.
This gauge is also split into two sections: the green left hand side and the red right hand side.
If the needle is on the green side, it represents that the Customer does not have an overdue amount owing. That is, an amount owing in periods 1, 2, 3 or 4. The gauge will move from left to right to reflect how far through the current month we are. If the needle is to the far left point of the gauge it represents that the system date is the first of the month. It will then move up towards the centre as the system date progresses through the month.
The red side represents that the account has an overdue amount in Period 1, but not in any further periods. This means a balance in period 1, but zero dollar balances in periods 2, 3 and 4. The needle will move further into the red section to reflect how far through the current month we are. This will give a graphic representation of how far into the month it is that they still owe you an amount.
The needle will show as pointing to the far right point on the gauge if the customer owes an amount in periods 2, 3 or 4 .