Advanced Searching Within Invoicing

Have you ever found yourself wondering “How can I make it easier to find products to add to a sale?”

Well, the following information should assist with that, and make you an expert at finding products!

Search terms are contained within [ and ] symbols.  This means that you type in what is inside these symbols, not including the symbols.

Once a search method is used, the results of that search will populate in an Index list that pops up on screen if the system finds more than one result.  Users can use the F7 and F8 keys to scroll through the results till they find what they are after, and pressing Enter will draw the selected product into the sale for the user to continue with the sale.


1.  Product ID Search

This is not really a search as such, but in order to find a particular product to enter it into a sale, users can simply enter the Product ID and press enter.  This will immediately enter the product into the sale, as it’s a unique reference, and takes the highest precedence when entering products.


2.  Contains Search – Question Mark ( ? ) Symbol

If you only know what part of the description of the product may be, you can use a “Contains” Search.  Simply precede your search criteria with a question mark character.

For instance, if you know that the product you are after contains the word “Apple”, then the following search should make the product appear:

[?Apple] then press Enter.


3.  Starts With Search – Forward Slash ( / ) Symbol

If you know what the product description starts with, you can use the “Starts With” Search.  Simply precede your search criteria with a forward slash.

For instance, if you know that the product description starts with the word “Apple”, then the following search should make the product appear:

[/Apple] then press Enter.


4.  Comma Separated String Search – Comma ( , ) symbol

If you know what 2 parts of the description contain, you can use the “Comma Separated” Search.  Simply use a comma between 2 phrases, or words, to find descriptions that contain both of them anywhere in the description.

For instance, if you are looking for Apple Juice, you could use a search like the following:

[Apple,Juice] then press Enter.


5.  Comma Separated Search with ? Search

If you know 2 parts of the description of the product, but not where in the description it might fall, you can use a “Contains” Search along with a “Comma Separated” Search.  Simply precede your search criteria with a question mark character, type in the first term, add a comma immediately after this (no spaces), then enter the second term.

For instance, if you know that the product you are after contains the word “Apple” as well as “Juice”, then the following search should make the product appear:

[?Apple,Juice] then press Enter.


6.  Comma Separated Search with / Search

If you know 2 parts of the description of the product, as well as what it starts with, you can use a “Starts With” Search along with a “Comma Separated” Search.  Simply precede your search criteria with a forward slash character, type in the first term (that the description starts with), add a comma immediately after this (no spaces), then enter the second term (that you don’t know where in the description it is).

For instance, if you know that the product you are after start with the word “Apple” as well as having “Juice” in there also, then the following search should make the product appear:

[/Apple,Juice] then press Enter.


7.  Barcode Search

Users can search for products using the barcode.  This can either be scanned in using barcode scanners, or the user can manually enter them into the Invoice Entry Screen.


8.  Sort Key Search

Users can search for products using the sort key that exists on the Product File Record.  This would have been entered when the product was created for the purpose of making searching easier.  For instance, for a product of Berri Apple Juice, the sort key may be Berri, or it may be Juice or any other thing that relates.

Entering this search term into the Invoice Entry screen, not preceded by anything, should bring up the product, or a list of products with the same sort key for the user to choose from.


9.  Product Detail Information

If users enter the plus symbol ( + ), followed immediately by the Product Number in Product ID field, they can immediately view lots of Product Information about that specific product.

This screen shows information like the Stock on Hand Details, it’s Primary Barcode, Pricing Information, Stock Locations, On Order Details, the Primary Supplier and more.


10. Advanced Search – Asterisk ( * ) Symbol or (SHIFT 8)

If you are unsure about how the product file has been setup, for instance, you may be a new employee, users can use a very Advanced way of searching for products.

Users can use the Advanced Search option by using the following:

a.  Press and hold SHIFT, then press 8, then let both buttons go.  This will enter an Asterisk Symbol into the Product ID field.

b.  Press Enter.

c.  The options available are: Product ID, Barcode, Supplier, GST Code, Product Grouping Information, SKUs, Stock Locations, Last Sale Date, whether it’s a clearout or discontinued product, and what the Product Description contains.

d.  Qualify what products you wish to search for, by the options listed.