Small Business Supplier Payment Report > New Report

The new ‘Small Business Supplier Payment Report’ within the Creditors system gives sites the ability to report on allocated Payments to Small Business Suppliers (as listed in ‘Small Business Supplier Maintenance‘). This information can be used when reporting to the ATO on the ‘Payment Times Reporting Scheme’.







On the report, the first section is the details section showing the number of invoices paid and the total of payments made per Supplier. The last page of the report is the summary showing the percentage values (this summary section will be ideal for complying with the ATO).

Note: When ‘Print Detail for Other Suppliers’ is True, the detail section will include all other Suppliers.

Due to the Report using the Allocation Date of the created Payments in its calculations to determine which period a payment falls into (ie <20, <30 etc), we recommend running the Creditor Payment Allocations function on the same day as the Payments are processed. Users can also save time by using the Default Automation Maintenance program called ‘Auto Creditor Payment Allocation’ as an automated daily process. Please click here to see how.