How to Configure Users and Business Unit functionality within the system.

Configuring Users for Business Units

Within User Maintenance, for sites using Business Unit Type 2 or 3 options, they can select the Business Unit required for the User from the field drop down options. Once the User is linked to a Business Unit:

  • The user is only able to search for, and find other Users that belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • When the User creates a new User, ‘Business Unit’ will default to the same ‘Business Unit’


How ‘Business Unit’ touches functionality throughout the System

Whilst there are 3 options of Business Units within this Configuration, it is only Type 3 that is new and therefore will be the focus for the following information. The functionality applies when the logged in User belongs to a Business Unit:

System Search Global Routine

A User can only search for Debtor / Short Term Debtor Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ and the user can only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Invoice Configuration

Within Invoice Configuration, the Business Unit configuration field will be dimmed out

Global Parameters

Within Global Parameters, the Business Unit option / field will be dimmed out.

Misc Configurations

Within Misc Configurations, the ‘Default Daily Sales Analysis’ option will be dimmed out. 

Customer Maintenance and Short Term Debtor Maintenance

Within these Maintenance forms Customer Class becomes mandatory and the user can only search for, and find Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Customer Maintenance – Contract Prices

When using Contract Pricing within Customer Maintenance and the Customer is linked to a Business Unit, the system will only find Pricing Modules that have ‘Business Unit’ set to either ‘Not Applicable’, or to the same ‘Business Unit’. When creating new Pricing Module records, the system will automatically default ‘Business Unit’ to the same as the Customers.

Customer Maintenance – B2B

Within the B2B screen, when the Customer has a different Charge To Account set, the ‘Web  Identifier’ field will be dimmed out.

Quick Customer Editor

Within Quick Customer Editor, ‘Customer Class’ has become a mandatory field. Users will only be able to see Customer Templates and search for Customers that belong to the same Business Unit 

Product Maintenance

Within Product Maintenance, Product Class has become a mandatory field. Users can only search for, and find Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Product Maintenance – Pricing Rules

Within Product Maintenance Pricing Rules, the system will only show records from the following, to the User when the Business Unit is the same or or set to ‘Not Applicable’ / ‘All’ for the below:

  • Pricing Modules
  • Promo Modules
  • Specials

Product Maintenance – Appr Cust List

Within Approved Customer List, the below ‘Type’ options have been removed:

  • Customer Price Group
  • Customer Promo Group

Users can only search for Customers that belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ when creating / modifying a record and can only see records for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’.

Stock Additions (Normal version and GS1net version)

A new drop down for ‘Product Class’ has been created and this field is Mandatory.

Salesperson Maintenance

The Business Unit ‘BU’ column is now an available field.

Pricing Module Maintenance

Within Pricing Module, ‘Business Unit’ is now an available field. User can:

  • only search for, and find Pricing Modules that belong to the same ‘Business Unit’, or ‘Not Applicable’. 
  • When creating a new Pricing Module, ‘Business Unit’ will default to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • ‘Business Unit’ will become dimmed out.
  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Promo Module Maintenance

Within Promo Module, ‘Business Unit’ is now an available field. Users can:

  • only search for, and find Promo Modules that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’, or ‘Not Applicable’
  • When creating a new Promo Module, ‘Business Unit’ will default to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • ‘Business Unit’ will become dimmed out
  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same 

Bonus Stock System

Within the Bonus Stock System, ‘Business Unit’ is now an available field. Users can:

  • only search for, and find Bonus Stock records that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’, or ‘Not Applicable’
  • When creating a new Bonus Stock record, ‘Business Unit’ will default to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • ‘Business Unit’ will become dimmed out
  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ 

Specials System

Within the Specials System, ‘Business Unit’ is now an available field with an ‘All’ option. Users can:

  • only search for, and find Specials that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’, or ‘All’
  • When creating a new Special, ‘Business Unit’ will default to the same ‘Business Unit’ and become dimmed out
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Export / Import Utility

Within the Export / Import Utility, the following functionality has changed:

  • Product – Import to Create: ‘Class ID’ is mandatory
  • Product – Import to Update: ‘Class ID’ can not have a value of <NULL>
  • Customer – Import to Create: ‘Class ID’ is mandatory
  • Customer – Import to Update: ‘Class ID’ can not have a value of <NULL>

Point of Sale

Within Point of Sale, Users can:

  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Salespeople that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ or have no ‘BU’ set
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

POS Maintenance

Within POS Maintenance, Users can:

  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Operators that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ 

Invoice Entry

Within Invoicing, Users can:

  •  only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only select a Salesperson that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ or have no ‘BU’ set
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only find Electronic Orders for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Invoice Maintenance

Within Invoice Maintenance, Users can:

  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only find Invoices for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Operators that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Electronic Orders

Within Electronic Orders, Users will be unable to find Products that do not belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ as the Customer

Auto Back Order Invoicing

Within Invoicing Auto Back Order, Users can:

  • only process Back Orders for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only select a Salesperson that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ or have no ‘BU’ set

Back Order Maintenance

Within Back Order Maintenance, ‘Business Unit’ becomes an available field and the ‘Business Unit’ field dropdown will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out. When the ‘Business Unit’ dropdown is set to something other than ‘All’, Users can:

  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Operators that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • Tonly find Back Orders for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Back Order Report

Within Back Order Report, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

3PL Order Maintenance

Within 3PL,  the ‘Business Unit’ becomes an available field and the ‘Business Unit’ dropdown will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out. When the ‘Business Unit’ dropdown is set to something other than ‘All’, Users can:

  • only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Operators that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only search for Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’
  • only find 3PL Orders for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Store Products Maintenance

Within Store Products, the ‘’Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out. The ‘Business Unit’ dropdown will be used to only allow searching of Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Daily Sales Analysis Enquiry and Daily Sales Analysis Report

Within these Reports, the display Type is locked as ‘Salesperson’ and will only show/print for Salespeople that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ or have no ‘BU’ set

Cash Receipts Entry, Cash Payment Entry and Bank Transaction File Import

Within these menus, the system will act as if the logged in Users ‘Business Unit’ is set to the ‘Business Unit’ field found in ‘Banking System Maintenance’. If this is set, then the User can only search for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’ 

Debtor Invoice Search

Within Debtor Invoice Search’, the User can only find Invoices for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Viewing Invoices

When viewing Invoices in the system, the User can only find Invoices for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Debtor Aged Trial Balance and Debtor Ageings

WIthin these menus, ‘Customer Updates’ will be set to ‘No Customer Updates’, and will become dimmed out. The report will only show Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Debtor Payment Allocation

Within Debtor Payment Allocation, the User can only search for, and find Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Invoice Statistics

Within Invoice Statistics, the system will only show statistics for Customers that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’. The system will also not include statistics for Transfer Invoices

Customer Enquiry ALTR

Within Customer Enquiry, the system will always act as if the logged in User does not belong to a ‘Business Unit’, allowing the User to search for any Customer

Debtor Statements

Within Debtor Statements, a new field called Tier Level has been created and is now available for the User to select the appropriate level from.

Despatch Register

Within Despatch Register, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

Invoice Sales Journal – Re-print Qualified

Within Invoice Sales Journal – Re-print Qualified, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

Sales History Report

Within Sales History Report, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

3PL Stock Receipts Report

WIthin 3PL Stock Receipts Report, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

Freight Expense Report and Freight Expense Exception Report

Within Freight Expense and Freight Expense Exception Reports, the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out

RF Gun – Stock Enquiry, Stocktake Count and Stock Search & Update

Within the above RF Gun menus, the User can only search for, and find Products that also belong to the same ‘Business Unit’

Stock Movement Value Report

Within Stock Movement Value Report,  the ‘Business Unit’ qualifier becomes an available field, and the ‘Business Unit’ will default to the Users ‘Business Unit’ and will become dimmed out