ACR continually aspires to refine and improve our System processes with an aim to increase efficiency across our Sites. One of these processes is the Debtor Ageing Program, whilst every business runs this process to suit their own needs, for most of our Sites its a daily task.
The Ageing of Debtors is quite simple in its design of capturing those owing balances and to process them accordingly. At times moving them into new periods and/or Auto Suspending accounts.
For some time now Sites have had the ability to automate Debtor Ageing, having the System run this report as often as required across the day. A recent setting now allows the System to recognise those ‘due today’ Invoices and not class them as overdue until the due date has passed. Meaning, it’s a great solution for those sites that might Age Debtors at 9am on the due date yet would like the Invoice to stay current until the due date changes to the next day.
Whilst Ageing your Debtors is just a part of the Debtor System, we are continually looking to minimise the steps needed in managing your Debtor Accounts.
If your site is interested in automating Debtor Ageing, Debtor Statements or discussing Debtor configurations, please contact the ACR Training team.