Email Log – New Program with Real-time monitoring

ACR has developed a new program that you will find within the Toolbox menu of the ACR software. The program is called “Email Log” and has been designed to assist with identifying the status of emails that the system attempts to transmit on your behalf, for example to customers (invoices, statements, B2B alerts) or suppliers (orders). This works in real-time and also as a nightly monitoring tool.

The Email Log program provides status detail on each email individually as below:

  • Queued – Indicating that the email is currently being queued on your ACR server and attempting to transmit via your configured mail relay.
    • N.b. Once successfully queued, the email is given an unique Queue Id.
  • Sent – The email has been successfully sent out from your server.
  • Deferred – The email has attempted to transmit via your relay, but was unsuccessful and will try again at a later point. Such scenarios can occur for many reasons, however an example is the recipient’s mail server is down or experiencing some problem, and it’s anticipated to be available again in future.
  • Bounced – The email has attempted to be sent out from your server, but was unsuccessful and will not reach it’s recipient. A common example that causes this is an email address that is not valid at the recipient. I.e. a wrong address.

Each of the statuses are recognised by the below icons:

When opening the Email Log program, it will automatically load up any emails from this month or last month that currently have a status of Queued, Deferred or Bounced. This provides users the ability to quickly and easily identify in advance any potential issues with delivery of emails. For example in the period following a Bulk Email to customers or sending of statements.

Within the new program, users will also have the ability to refine a search for emails based not only on their status, but also the below additional “Find” fields:

  • Specified Email
  • Specified Operator
  • Specified Task
  • Specified Queue ID
  • Subject
    • In this case, the subject will work as a partial match search. If you search on “January Statement” for example, then it will identify any email that contains that text in it’s subject, such as “Your January Statement”, “January Statement” or “As requested – the January Statement”.

The Email log, when presenting the information will show the below fields, all of which are sortable. The initial sort is on “Created” with the most recently created emails listed first.

  • Status
  • Queue ID
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Task
  • Created
  • Source
  • Email Address
  • Subject

Finally, whilst the new tool gives users the ability to proactively identify issues, a new function has been developed in the System Jobmaster that will run nightly, with the purpose of identifying if any new “Bounced” emails have occurred, and if so notify the System Postmaster via email.