User Maintenance -> Email Settings

A change has been made to the Email Setting button under User Maintenance. A new drop down has been added that will allow you to set which email address will be used when the operator presses the ‘ME’ button on an email screen.

The new drop down is called ‘Email to Use For “Me” Button’. This drop down will be available even if the user does not have ‘Enable Email’ checkbox selected.

This drop down will allow either one of the email address setup on their account (if they have address set) or any email distribution list address configured to be set as the address that will populate when they select the ‘ME’ button on an email screen.

The drop down will default to the Primary email address if the account is set to ‘Enable Email’ if the account is not set for email the drop down will default to none. It can be changed at any time to select a different address.