A new stock report has been added to the ACR system, it is called the “Stock Comparison Report”. This report is designed to display the Cost of Stock Sold against the Cost of Stock Purchased.
The fields that appear on the report are:
- ID and Description – this will display either the Product, Product Group, Product Sub Group or Supplier ID and Description depending which type of report you run.
- Stock Sold
- Units – The number of units sold.
- Cost Value – The Dollar value of the Units Sold. This is the unit cost multiplied by the unit quantity.
- Stock Received
- Units – The number of Units Purchased.
- Cost Value – The Dollar value of the Units Purchased. This is the unit cost multiplied by the unit quantity.
There are a number of ways the report can be qualified. These include how to group the information, what date to base the information on and what information to display. The available qualifications are:
- Type – How the information is grouped for display. The available groupings are:
- Product – will show the cost information per product purchased or sold in the qualified period.
- Product Group – will show the cost information by product group that has had a product purchased or sold in the qualified period.
- Product Sub Group – will show the cost information by product sub group that has had a product purchased or sold in the qualified period.
- Supplier – will show the cost information by Supplier that has had a product purchased or sold in the qualified period.
- Receipts based on – This is which date the system uses to determine if a Stock Receipt qualifies for the report.
- Transaction Date – This is the system date that the stock receipt was actually processed on.
- Supplier Invoice Date – This is the supplier invoice date entered on the stock receipt.
- Product – Enter the From and To of the product ID if you wish to only obtain information on that Product ID or range of Product ID’s.
- Prd Grp – Enter the From and To of the Product Group ID if you wish to only obtain information on that Product Group ID or range of Product Group ID’s.
- Prd Sub Grp – Enter the From and To of the Product Sub Group ID if you wish to only obtain information on that Product Sub Group ID or range of Product Sub Group ID’s.
- Supplier – Enter the From and To of the Supplier ID if you wish to only obtain information on that Supplier ID or range of Supplier ID’s
- Date – Enter the From and To of the Date that will set the date range the report will look for. The Date used will be determined by the Receipts based on qualifier.