A number of changes are being made to Set Length tracking.
A new option has been added to the Set Length dropdown called “Random”. The following rules apply:
- “Random” cannot be selected when lengths have already been defined in the Set Length Tracking screen. (This rule also applies when using the Export / Import Utility)
- When “Random” is selected, no lengths can be entered into the Set Length Tracking screen.
The wording of Set Length Tracking types have been adjusted throughout ACR.
- “Tracking” has now been renamed to “Tracked”
- “Recording” has now been renamed to “Recorded”
These changes have been made in preparation for further changes that will be made on the 1st May 2015. It is planned that from the 1st of May 2015 Set Length tracking will work as follows:
- None * – Will ONLY allow the entry of quantities in all front ends, e.g. Point of sale, Ordering, Stock Receipting etc. You will no longer be able to enter a quantity/length for these products. All transactions will affect the total SOH for the Product.
- Random – Will allow the entry of either a quantity or a quantity/length in all front ends, e.g. Point of sale, Ordering, Stock Receipting etc. You are not able to store pre set lengths against this set length type. All transactions will affect the total SOH for the Product.
- Recording – Will remain the same as it is currently. Will allow the entry of either a quantity or a quantity and length in all front ends, e.g. Point of sale, Ordering, Stock Receipting etc. All transactions will affect the Total SOH for the product. However if you use a length that has been setup on the product this quantity will affect the length’s SOH and the total SOH for the Product.
- Tracking – Will remain the same as it is currently. This option will only allow the entry of a quantity and length for lengths that have already been setup on the product. All transactions of these products will be tracked against the length’s SOH and the total SOH for the Product.
IMPORTANT: Notice of this change is being given to allow time for sites to update products that are currently setup as “None” but will need to be changed to “Random” to continue to be able to be sold by Quantity or Quantity/Length after 1st May 2015.
* On 1st May 2015, when this change is made, any product currently set to “None” will stay as “None”. Any products that you wish to change to “Random” can be done manually, or through using the Export / Import Utility. For further assistance with this, please contact our friendly training team.