General Ledger EMS Report

A new option to select a “Summary Report” has been added to the General Ledger EMS Report qualifier screen under the section ‘Style’. The two options that now exist are:

  • Detail Report – This is the same report as before.  This report displays the following:
    Type: EMS Account
    This report will sort by the EMS Accounts, and display one EMS account per page, and the report will display the following fields:
    – EMS ID and Key
    – GL Account Number and Name
    – Date
    – Reference
    – Amount
    – Acc Balance
    – EMS Balance
    – Description
    – Source
    Type: GL Account
    This report will sort by the General Ledger Accounts, and display one account per page, and the report will display the following fields:
    – GL Account Number and Name
    – EMS ID and Key
    – Date
    – Reference
    – Amount
    – Acc Balance
    – EMS Balance
    – Description
    – Source
  • Summary Report – This is the new summary version of the report
    This report displays a summary of the transactions. The report will sort the information depending on what type is selected.
    Type: EMS Account
    This will sort by the EMS Account and display a summary showing:
    – EMS ID and EMS Key
    – Account Code and Account Description
    – Amount
    Type: GL Account
    This will sort by the General Ledger Account and display a summary showing:
    – Account Code and Account Description
    – EMS ID and EMS Key
    – Amount

EMS Qualifier EMS Summary Dates