The following fields have been added to the Customer File, under the B2B button, which allow electronic orders to have the supplied prices validated.
- Perform Price Validation tick box – This will only be able to be selected when the Customer Charge To is the same as the Customer Ship To. When selected, the following fields will automatically be set on:
- ‘Accept Cus Supplied Prc and Disc’
- ‘Accept Cus Supplied Promo’
- When Invalid – This will only be available when the above configuration,’Perform Price Validation’ is selected, and provides a list of three actions of which the Customer can be set to as a default:
- Halt awaiting manual intervention – Electronic Order will not continue automatically, and will wait until a user intervenes.
- Continue with Customer Supplied Pricing – Electronic Order will continue with the Customer Supplied Pricing.
- Continue with System Calculated Pricing – Electronic Order will continue with the System Calculated Pricing.