Stock Movement Value Report

A change has been made to the way you qualify a Stock movement value report. The content of the report has not changed as a result of this update.

The tick box’s that were used to select the Transaction Types have been replaced with a multi-select list box labeled ‘Trns Type’. A single, or multiple options may be selected from this list to determine which types of transaction will appear on the report. The available options are:

  • All – This will include all transaction types.
  • Sale
  • Stock receipts
  • Stock Adjustments
  • Goods Returned
  • Stock Transfer
  • Unit Cost Adjustment
  • Stocktake Adjustement
  • Service Consumption Warranty
  • Service Consumption Non-Warranty

A new multi-select list has been added called ‘Trns Source’. This list is used to select the source of the stock movement/s that are to be reported on. the available options are:

  • All – This will include all transaction sources.
  • Invoicing
  • Point of Sale
  • Mail Order
  • Stock Receipts
  • Docket Reconciliation
  • Goods Returned
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Stocktake
  • Cost Adjustmenet
  • Next Price Manipulator
  • Service Module
  • Bill of Materials
  • Synchronisation
  • Replenishment

Stock Movement Value Report