POS Security Authorisation

A number of changes have been made to the POS Security Authorisation screen. These changes are for the ability to set a minimum and maximum limit on the Margin or Mark-up (depending on how your site is configured) Percentage a user is allowed to enter for a miscellaneous product. The changes are as follows:

  • Max Extra Disc % has been changed to a have a tickbox. This tickbox must be selected for the Max extra discount percentage configured to be applied. When the tickbox is selected it is mandatory to enter a value for the Max Extra Disc %. If the tickbox is not selected the system will ignore the value in the Max Extra Disc % field.

Note: If you have a value in this field before this update the value will remain and the tickbox will automatically be ticked to continue to enforce this limit. If the field is blank the tickbox will be left unticked.

  • A New tickbox and field called ‘Misc Item Min Margin/Mark-up’ has been added. This will allow for the configuration of a minimum Margin or Mark-up that must be achieved when selling a Miscellaneous product.
  • A New tickbox and field called ‘Misc Item Max Margin/Mark-up’ has been added. This will allow for the configuration of a maximum Margin or Mark-up that must be achieved when selling a Miscellaneous product

There are a few rules around using the new ‘Misc Item Min/Max Margin/Mark-up’ fields. These rules are:

  • The rule to be applied to a user account is found by finding the lowest configured ‘Min’ it will then use the corresponding ‘Max’ value from the same record. If multiple equal lowest ‘Min’ values are found it will use the highest ‘Max’ value that is on the same record as a lowest ‘Min’.
  • If ‘Misc Item Max Margin/Mark-up’ percentage is configured for a user grouped then a ‘Misc Item Min Margin/Mark-up’ must also be configured.
  • If a Miscellaneous product is configured to have a ‘Misc Cost %’ that will fall outside of a user’s permission, ACR will not allow that user to add that product to a sale.

POS Security Autorisation