Export / Import Utility

A change has been made to how data is exported and can be imported into the ACR export / Import utility for the Web Category fields.

  • On Export all values regardless of if they have special characters or not will be surrounded by double-quotes. 
  • When Importing surround values to be imported with double-quotes if special characters (a leading space, double-quotes, carriage return, tab, etc) are used. If no special character is included in the value to be imported then double-quotes become optional. The double-quotes will be removed when the value get imported.

The fields that are affected by this change are:

  • Web Category 1 Level 1
  • Web Category 1 Level 2
  • Web Category 1 Level 3
  • Web Category 1 Level 4
  • Web Category 1 Level 5
  • Web Category 1 Level 6​
  • Web Category 2 Level 1
  • Web Category 2 Level 2
  • Web Category 2 Level 3
  • Web Category 2 Level 4
  • Web Category 2 Level 5
  • Web Category 2 Level 6

Note: Currently the only other field that works this way is the ‘Web Specs’ field in Export/Import Utility.