A change has been made to the ‘Price Book Maintenance – Product Update’ screen. New qualifiers have been added to this screen.
The new qualifiers are:
- A tick box called ‘Perform lookup based on Barcode’. When this is ticked the following will occur:
- Supplier Code From becomes mandatory.
- Supplier Code To is no longer an available field.
- From and To qualifiers become available, these are:
- Primary Supplier
- Division
- Prd Group
- Prd Sub Group
- Location
When the ‘Perform lookup based on Barcode’ tickbox is selected the process used to find products is different from the current process. Both processes are detailed below.
When ‘Perform lookup based on Barcode’ set to False (the current process).
Products are matched to Price Book records by the product’s primary supplier, and their supplier SKU. So if you qualify with a Supplier Code of ‘MI’, it will only find products which have Mitre 10 as their primary supplier. It will then find the Mitre 10 Price Book record based on that supplier’s SKU.
When ‘Perform lookup based on Barcode’ set to True (the new process).
Products are matched to Price Book records by using the supplied barcode in the price book and matching that to any of the products barcodes. It also matches the qualified Supplier Code against any supplier on the product. The extra available qualifiers can be used to further refine the matching. As an example if you qualify with a Supplier Code of ‘MI’, it will find all products which have Mitre 10 as a supplier. It will then match the Mitre 10 Price Book record to a product using the products barcode.
Please Note: Inactive products and full tracked products are not included in either method.