Specials System – Display Changes

There has been a small change made to the Specials System.  The following fields will now display 3 decimals in length.

  • Price
  • $ Discount
  • $ Promo

For sites that are set to the Specials Configuration of “Invoice Inc, Published”, a double arrow < > button will appear to enable users to ‘toggle’ between screens to display more sales information.  When this button is pressed, “Narrow Sale” and “Gross Profit $” Sales Statistics information will be displayed.  When this button is pressed a second time, the “Invoice Inc, Published” information will be displayed again.

When adding a Product to these Specials records, the “Published” field will be editable.


Please Note: The Specials System will store the 3 decimal places with the record, however when products that are on an active special are loaded into Point of Sale, the values will be rounded up or down (depending on your rounding configuration in global parameters) to 2 decimal places.