Specials System – Display Type and No. Facings

Two additional fields have been added to the product detail area in the Specials System. The new fields are:

  • Display Type (30 Alphanumerical value – both uppercase and lowercase characters are valid)
  • No.Facings (Numerical value only)

These fields will be available in the product detail area of the specials system and are per-product. Depending on the configuration, operators can toggle between these two additional fields by using <   > .

ToggleSpecialsSystem ToggleSpecialsSystemAfter


Note :

If the Specials System Configuration is set to “Single Pricing” or “Single Pricing,Disc,Promo”, the operator can toggle between the columns showing

  • Narrow Sale, Gross Profit $, Units Sold
  • Display Type, No. Facings

If the Specials System Configuration is set to “Invoice Inc, Published” the operator can toggle between the columns showing

  • Invoice Inc, Published
  • Display Type, No.Facings
  • Narrow Sale, Gross Profit $, Units Sold