Purchase Journal Entry – File Import

A new feature has been added to the Purchase Journal Entry screen allowing the operator to import a file containing multiple transactions. Once the file is imported it will add transactions to the existing batch.


The operator will receive prompts for each transaction being processed and additionally will be notified if any of the transactions have been skipped and a reason as to why.

When the file import has been completed , a summary screen will display showing how many transactions were successful and which ones were not.

If Stock Liability is active and a match is found, the GL account must be either the configured Stock Liability account or not specified. However , in a situation where no match is found and stock Liability is active, the GL account field is mandatory but must not be the configured Stock Liability account.


Note: if allocation amount is specified in the file import , Invoice Total and Invoice GST must equal the allocation amount. (Inv Total + GST = Alloc Amnt)

Purchase Journal File Format Specifications

The Purchase Journal file format has the following requirements

  • Must be tab delimited
  • First line of file must contain column headers (Mandatory ones at least)

The following column headers are

  • Supplier Number (Mandatory)
  • Invoice Number (Mandatory)
  • Invoice Date (Mandatory)
  • Due Date
  • Invoice Total (Mandatory,Non-zero)
  • Invoice GST (Mandatory)
  • GL Account
  • Allocation Amount
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