These screens have been updated to support Pre-Order records. The system can adjust the required quantity prior to adjusting based on Supplier packaging. The logic will work as follows:
For each Product that qualifies, work out the required quantity based on either Min/Max or History.
Reduce the required quantity by all Pre-Order records for the same Product and Stock Area, but for a different Supplier (because we expect these to be supplier by that supplier later).
Work out the total quantity of all Pre-Order records for the same Product, Stock Area and Supplier. If this is greater than the current required quantity, set the required quantity to this value.
Adjust required quantity based on Supplier packaging.
Additional key points for these processes:
The system can also add required products that did not qualify. For each Supplier in the batch, it will search for Pre-Order records for the same Supplier and Stock Area, for Products that is currently not in the batch. If they exists, the will be included.
When looking for Pre-Order records, the system will only find records for incomplete Invoices that are not being modified or waiting for authorisation.
After loading into ‘Order Entry by Product’, if the user voids the unprocessed batch, the system will warn the user if Pre-Order records were used for this batch. The Pre-Order records have already been used and will not become available again if the user voids it.