This is an example of how to structure a report that will show the Quantity and value of GST Free products purchased using the report generator. It can be qualified to only show the purchases from a defined time period. This report may have a number of uses, including as a way to confirm the GST free purchases at BAS time.
Create a new report and give it a name.
In the Print list I added the following fields:
- From the Product Drop down I added both “Product ID” and “Product Description”.
- From the Function drop down, select the Add button to enter the function creation screen. Select the number 1 then the Minus symbol (-). Add “Quantity” from the Stock movement drop down. Then the Minus symbol (-) and the number 1. Select the equals symbol (=) and select the OK button.
- From the Function drop down, select the Add button to enter the function creation screen. Select open bracket, then number 1 then the Minus symbol (-). Add “Quantity” from the Stock movement drop down. Then the Minus symbol (-) and the number 1 followed by the Close bracket. Insert the multiplication symbol (*) then add cost from the Product Drop down. Select the equals symbol (=) and select the OK button.
This will allow you to add the new Functions to the print list.
- Once the 1-“Quantity”-1 field has been added to the Print list select the box with three dot’s next to it to open the Print detail screen. In this screen set the number of decimal places to 2. You can also change the Column heading if you would like to make it more meaningful to the user.
- Once the (1-“Quantity”-1)*”Cost” field has been added to the Print list select the box with three dot’s next to it to open the Print detail screen. In this screen set the number of decimal places to 2 and set the totals drop down to the total option. You can also change the Column heading if you would like to make it more meaningful to the user.
The Sort List was left blank in the version we did. This could be sorted by product ID or product group if desired.
The Qualify list had the following fields:
- From the Stock Movement drop down add “Header Transaction Type” and set the qualifier as “is from 2 to 2”.
- From the Stock Movement drop down add “Transaction Date” field (Tick it to set this to prompt so that you can enter the date range you need when you run the report).
- From the Product drop down I added the “GST ID” and set the qualifier as “is From 2 to 2” (The user will have to check their GST Rate Configuration screen to find out what identifier number relates to GST free purchases. They will need to use which ever number they have for GST free in the qualifier here).
The report should be ready to run now. There is one thing to be aware of. The cost being used is current cost. So if the product was stock receipted at a different cost to current cost the figures will be slightly different.