Key Computer Contact information

As we get closer to the Christmas season now is a good time to start thinking about updating your computer hardware and software contact information. It is also a good idea to print out a copy to keep in a handy location where staff can access it in the event you require assistance with your computers or ACR server.

Below is a brief list of things you may want to include on the list.

  • A list of IT contacts:
    • Your local Internet Provider.
      •    Who are you with?
      •    What are the account details?
      •    Who is the authorized contact?
      •    What are their contact details?
    • Your local IT support:
      • Which company do you use?
      • Do they offer after hours support?
      • What are their holiday trading hours?
      • If you have internal support, do you have a company who can assist whilst you’re on leave?
      • Is any of your equipment under a support contract (e.g. printers)?  If so who is the local contact?
    • How to contact ACR if there are any issues with your server or ACR software:
      • 02 4725 2020 (For after hours support  push 1 to be transferred to the ACR Tech team)
  • Key Hardware:
    • Your ACR Server:
      • Where is it located?
      • If you have multiple servers which one is your ACR server?
    • Location of your modem/router.
    • If you have a remote access server who is responsible for its management?
  • Other contacts:
    • Do you use a VPN? If so who is responsible for its management?
    • Emails:
      •    Who hosts/manages your emails?
      •    What are the account details?
      •    Who is the authorised contact?
      •    What are their contact details?


Having this information handy can assist ACR Tech Support in speedy troubleshooting issues with ACR.