If you have a report in Report Generator that you have created and are wanting to export it to a tab-delimited file to open in third-party programs, you can do so by using the “Output to File” function found within the report’s configuration options.
Set the Report to Output to File:
To change how the report is output (ie if you want to output the results to a Tab Delimited Text File ready for loading into Excel), follow the instructions below:
- Find the Report you wish to Edit in the Report Generator Maintenance Screen. Highlight the report by left clicking once on it and ensuring it highlights in blue and Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the … button to the right of the Report Name.
- In the “Delimit” field, change the drop down to say “TAB” instead of “Normal / Space”.
- Change the “Output To” to say “File”. Give the report a filename in the white box to the right of that selection. (This cannot include any spaces or funny characters. The filename must end with .txt otherwise it will be difficult to find.)
- Tick Include Headings if you wish to output the field headings.
- Click OK to go back to Edit Mode.
- Click OK to save the report in it’s current format.
- Once you have run the report, the file will be exported to your ACR Server “Docs” directory.
Opening This file in Excel:
- Open Excel
- Open the file from within Excel using the File > Open option
- Change the File Type from “All Excel Files” to “All Files”
- Navigate to where the file was saved, (which will be in the ACR Server docs directory)
- Find the file and click on it
- Click Open
- Navigate through the Excel wizard to import that text file into Excel