Invoicing System – Price Rise Comments

An update has been made to the Invoice System to add an option for Price Rise Comments for products with pending price increases that have not yet been activated via Next Price Manipulator.

Comment format is “PRICE RISE – DD/MM/YY(Populated with the Product’s Next Price Date)”

For the update to apply please ensure the following conditions are met:
  1.  Next Price Date is not empty for the product (This can be set via Next Price Manipulator)
  2.  Next Price of Product is greater then the Current Price
  3.  Next Price is set for relative Customer Price Code (This can be found within Customer Maintenance)
  4.  If Price code is set to “Default” then it will take configured Base Price to compare with next price. (This is for multi-site ACR systems and can be found in Port Location – File Maintenance)
  5.  Confirm “Add Price Rise Comments” is ticked in Invoice Configuration.