An update has been released for Order Date and Order ETA within the ACR System.
Product Maintenance (Tradetalk Only)
‘Next Ord Date’ is shown on Product Maintenance main screen. This is an existing field that has now been made visible and is set/modified by ‘Stock Allocations’.
Order Entry/Display an Order
A new field ‘Order ETA’ has been added to the Order Entry screens. On order creation, this new field will default to be the same as the ‘Deliver Before’ if set, otherwise it will default to the ‘Deliver After’.
Note: On installation, all existing Orders will have the ‘Order ETA’ automatically filled in with the ‘Deliver Before’ if set, otherwise the ‘Deliver After’.
Order Maintenance -> Set ETA
A new field ‘Order ETA’ is found at the top of an order and users can now manually enter a new ‘ETA’ on the line instead of using the tick box. When they do this, the tab sequence will change to tab between the ‘ETA’ fields of the lines instead of the tick box.
Stock Allocations
The ‘ Order ETA’ can now be used to work out the next order date for a given product. The date used will following the below precedence –
- Consignment ETA
- Product line ETA
- Order ETA
- Order Deliver Before Date
- Order Deliver After Date
Product Enquiry ALTR -> Availability
The date used in ‘Next Shipping’ column will follow the below precedence:
- Consignment ETA
- Product line ETA
- Order ETA
- Order Deliver Before Date
- Order Deliver After Date
Stock on Order Detail screen
Added a new column called ‘Due Date’ (Drill Down on Product Maintenance -> Stock Areas -> Stock on Order). The date used will follow the below precedence –
- Consignment ETA
- Product line ETA
- Order ETA
- Order Deliver Before Date
- Order Deliver After Date
Report Generator
Added ‘Order ETA’ as an available field under the ‘Orders’ heading when creating a report.