The Importance of Backups
Your ACR server is critical to the running your business and a key component of that is the data created and stored inside it. Although less prone to viruses, malware and ransomware, this data can be destroyed or damaged by a variety of other means such as machine breakdown, power outages, fire, flood or human error. It is very important to do regular backups to prevent these types of data loss. The software can be reinstalled, hardware can be replaced but your data could quite possibly be lost forever.
How Often Should You Change Your Backup Media?
The best backup practice is to follow the 3-2-1 rule. You should keep at least, 3 copies of your data on 2 different media types and 1 copy offsite at all times.
Different media types could include USB drives, cloud backups or data tapes and an offsite copy could be, a cloud backup or a tape/USB backup kept in a secure location like a trusted employee’s home.
For example, it would be best practice to swap the previous night’s backup (USB disk or Tape) and take it offsite each day. This would ensure that the most recent backup is stored safely away from the server and accessible if needed.