If you are wanting to save time when searching for a product within ACR, there are numerous search methods you can use.Once a search method is used, the results of that search will populate in an Index list that pops up on screen if the system finds more than one result. Users can use the F7 and F8 keys to scroll through the results until they find their selection.
The Index Forms that display your search results are actually configurable to your liking. They can be set by selecting ‘Index Form Configuration’ (Toolbox>Configurations>Index Form Configuration). This means you can change what information is shown within the search results for Products, Customers and Suppliers. For example you can configure the result to display the Product’s Stock Area, Barcode, Supplier Name, etc…
We recently introduced a new search function that allows users to reload the last search list without re-keying the search. For this special search command the Carat key (^ or “Shift” + “6”) is used.
Please see below for a list of Search Methods and their description-
Reloading a Search ( ^ )– When invoked, the ^ search will reload the last search list for the current session. This does not apply to Barcode searches or in POS.
Product ID Search- Enter the Unique Product ID into the Search Field
Contains Search – Question Mark ( ? ) Symbol- If you only know what part of the description of the product may be, you can use a “Contains” Search. Simply precede your search criteria with a question mark character, for example – ?Apple.
Starts With Search – Forward Slash ( / ) Symbol- If you know what the product description starts with, you can use the “Starts With” Search. Simply precede your search criteria with a forward slash, for example /ap.
Comma Separated String Search – Comma ( , ) symbol- If you know what 2 parts of the description contain, you can use the “Comma Separated” Search. Simply use a comma between 2 phrases, or words, to find descriptions that contain both of them anywhere in the description.For example- Apple,Juice
Comma Separated Search with ( ? ) Search-.You can use both the ? and the , search together.For instance, if you know that the product you are after contains the word “Apple” as well as “Juice”, then the following search should make the product appear: ?Apple,Juice.
Comma Separated Search with ( / ) Search- Users can use both the , and the / Search together. For instance, if you know that the product you are after start with the word “Apple” as well as containing “Juice” in there also, then the following search should make the product appear:/Apple,Juice
Barcode Search-Users can search for products using the Barcode. This can either be scanned in using barcode scanners, or the user can manually enter them into the Invoice Entry Screen.
Sort Key Search- Users can search for products using the sort key that exists on the Product File Record. This would have been entered when the product was created for the purpose of making searching easier.
Product Information Search ( + )- If users enter the plus symbol ( + ), followed immediately by the Product Number in the Product ID field, they can view detailed information about the selected Product.
Advanced Search – Asterisk Symbol ( * ) or (SHIFT 8) and Enter- If you are unsure about how the product file has been setup, for instance, you may be a new employee, users can use a more Advanced way of searching for products. An Advanced Search screen will be shown where you can enter in a range of qualifiers to narrow down the results.
Note- The Inactive Tickbox can also be used to expand Search functionality. If you tick the INA box next to the Search box, the search results will only show Inactive products.