It is important to understand the Support Features within SalesTALK for times when the device crashes, has a loss of internet connectivity or when your reps are upgrading to a new device. Once logged into SalesTALK you will see the Support tab on the main screen. This tab provides valuable tools to assist in these circumstances, some of which are outlined below.
The ‘Application Info’ button will show which version of SalesTALK is installed. It is crucial that users have the most up to date version as we are constantly making improvements to ensure the app is user-friendly and adding features so your reps will have the relevant data to do their job efficiently. It is also advised for better functionality that your reps’ devices are up to date. Your reps can check they are running the latest iOS version on their iPad by selecting Settings>General>Software Update.
The ‘Networking’ Button will show you the IP Address, the Connectivity and the ability to perform Network tests (this will assist you as a starting point if orders aren’t being sent).
At times reps may be requested to forward ACR a Diagnostic Report from their iPad. The User can simply click on Diagnostic Reports under the Support tab and they will be presented with a series of dates. Multiple dates can be selected from this screen and Users can also write a brief reason for sending the report. It is recommended to call ACR if you are sending through diagnostics so we can further diagnose with you.
When a rep needs to do a fresh install of SalesTALK it is useful to know they can contact ACR for an Authentication Code to restore Held Orders and to download Sent Order History from their previously installed app.
Remember ACR’s contact information is only a click away under the ‘Help Desk’ button.
Did you know?
- You can click on your Product Image to show it in full screen.
- You can swipe on one of your previously sent Orders and copy it to held to recreate.
- You can press the red information icon next to the selected Product to bring up additional information such as the Purchase History and Packaging information.