An update has been released for Misc Configurations. The following Configurations have been added under a Web Prefixes Button in Misc Configurations.
Users will enter an image URL into the Web Image/Salesforce Image fields to update Products that have no image set under the Media button on the Product file. The image Filename options are:
- None (This is the Default)
- ProductID.jpg
- InnerAPN.jpg
- InnerAPN/OuterAPN/ShipperAPN/ProductID.jpg
Once configured, a Jobmaster Job will process and update nightly as per below:
Web Image:
IF ‘Image Filename’ is not set to ‘None’ and ‘Web Image’ is not blank THEN
UPDATE all Active Product’s ‘Web Image URL 1’ based on ‘Image Filename’, if the current value does not start with ‘http’ (Case Insensitive)
Salesforce Image:
IF ‘Image Filename’ is not set to ‘None’ and ‘Salesforce Image’ is not blank THEN
UPDATE all Active Product’s ‘Sales Force Image URL’ based on ‘Image Filename’, if the current value does not start with ‘http’ (Case Insensitive)
The options for ‘Image Filename’ work in the following way:
* <ProductID>.jpg: Value is set to the Product ID then ‘.jpg’.
* <InnerAPN>.jpg: Value is set to the Main Inner Barcode then ‘.jpg’. If there is no Main Inner Barcode, then the field is not updated.
* <InnerAPN | OuterAPN | ShipperAPN | ProductID>.jpg: Value is set to the Main Inner Barcode then ‘.jpg’, if a Main Inner Barcode exists,
otherwise value is set to the Main Outer Barcode then ‘.jpg’, if a Main Outer Barcode exists,
otherwise value is set to the Main Shipper Barcode then ‘.jpg’, if a Main Shipper Barcode exists,
otherwise value is set to the Product ID, then ‘.jpg’.