Distributor Wholesale Invoice Layout > Invoice Configurable Column 1

The ‘Invoice Configurable Column 1’ drop down (Customer Maintenance>Distributor) will now support new options as listed below for sites configured to print the Distributor Wholesale Invoice Layout.

  • User Defined Field 1
  • User Defined Field 2
  • User Defined Field 3
  • User Defined Field 4
  • User Defined Field 5
  • User Defined Field 6
  • User Defined Field 7
  • User Defined Field 8
  • User Defined Field 9
  • User Defined Field 10

This change is also available in:

  • Misc Configurations: ‘Transfer Inv Configurable Column’
  • Export / Import Utility: ‘Invoice Configurable Column 1’

Note: When printing this detail on an Invoice, the column only supports up to 14 characters. Any value greater in length will be truncated.