Invoice Configuration > Invoice Maint

 A new button called ‘Invoice Maint’ has been added to ‘Invoice Configuration’ holding configurations relating to the new Invoice Maintenance. The available configuration is the Maintenance Field Precedence List.

The five below fields are mandatory and will be dimmed out:

  • ·  Invoice Number
  • ·  Account  Number
  • ·  Customer Name
  • ·  Status
  • ·  Ship Date

Users can tick / untick the below fields and use the ‘Move Up’ & ‘Move Down’ buttons to set the precedence.

  • Batch
  • Order Number
  • Source
  • Salesperson
  • Carrier
  • Total
  • Operator 
  • Conversation
  • Stock Area

Note: These fields will not necessarily be displayed in chronological order as the system will work out the best fit for your screen.