Users can preference if the system includes Discounts or Credit Claims in Debtor Auto Payments. The available options are:
Auto Payments – Deduct Discount:
- Yes- If a discount is set, it will always default to be applied,
- No- Discounts will default to not apply
- Always Ask- The User will be Prompted with a pop up on each batch asking if they want to include/exclude discounts
Auto Payments – Credit Claim
- Include All – Credit Claims will automatically default to being included when loading the batch
- Remove All- Credit Claims will automatically default to be removed when loading the batch
Additionally within Debtor Auto Payments, Users can choose the Order the Invoices/Receipts are listed on the edoc itself.
Direct Debit Advice Sequence
- Date – The Direct Debit Advice will print with the Invoices listed in Date order.
- Reference – The Direct Debit Advice will print with the Invoice listed in Reference Number order.