Below is an example of a report that can be created in Report Generator. This report will show a list of your top 10 debtors that have the highest dollar value of their outstanding balance in Period 4.
Note: The Dollar values of the balance per period in this report will be based on the last debtors ageing date. This report could be run after the month end process has been run to generate updated data with the new customer ageing.
Create a new report and give it a name.
In the print list add the following fields:
- From the Customer Drop Down add the following fields:
- Account Number
- Trading Name
- A/C Balance
- A/C Current
- A/C Period 1
- A/C Period 2
- A/C Period 3
- A/C Period 4
The Sort List should contain “A/C Period 4” it should be set to Descending order.
The Qualify list can have any fields and qualifiers you would like depending how you want to narrow down the information displayed.
To set the report to only show the top 10 (this number can be changed as required) debtors that have the highest dollar value of their outstanding balance in Period 4 select the button with three dots next to the report name. On the Report Generator Maintenance screen that will open tick the “Max Lines” tick box and enter the required number of lines (in our example this is 10) into the white box next to the max lines tick box. Select OK to save this change.
When outputting the report, you can print the report to either a printer, or you could output it as a file. If you output it as a file it will then allow you to import the file into Excel and manipulate it from there. To change how you would like the report produced select the button with three dots next to the report name. This will open the Report Generator Maintenance screen. Select the output method in the “Output To” drop down.
- If you select Print you can leave the other settings as is.
- If you select File you will need to set the Delimit drop down to “TAB”, Tick the Include heading tick box and enter a name in the while box next to the “Output To” drop down. The file name should have no spaces and end in .txt.
The report should be ready to run now.