Continuing on with our recent update regarding the Full Product Description, we have extended this throughout the following parts of the system:
- The Full Product Description will now load into Invoice/Mail Order and POS Entry. If the Description is modified within this screen the character count will appear in the Product column (changing to red if a User goes over the maximum configured character count). This will also apply to entering / modifying a Comment.
- There is a new ACR only edoc configuration as to how the Full Product Description will display on Invoices. The choices are:
- Single Truncated Line (Default)- Only a single line will be shown for the Product Description on the Invoice and will be truncated based on your sites configured Invoice edoc layout
- Multiline with No Word Wrap- This will ensure the Full Product Description will print on the Invoice edoc and the sentence will wrap to a new line (meaning a word will be split if it doesn’t fit on a line) based on your sites configured Invoice edoc layout
- Multiline with Word Wrap- This will work the same as above, however, the system will also ensure a word does not wrap across lines (words can not be split and will start on a new line if applicable)