There have been changes made to Point of Sale to allow for Multi EFTPOS Transactions per sale. For instance, if a customer needs to pay with multiple cards, or a combination of cards and cash, this mode would be used.
Sale Tender Screen
Once configured by ACR to use this mode, there will be a button at the bottom right of the Sale Tender screen called ‘Multi EFTPOS’. This button is used to switch between ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode and ‘Single EFTPOS’ mode. Users can use Alt+I to toggle between the two modes.
When in ‘Single EFTPOS’ mode, the system will work in the same as it currently does.
When in ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode, the EFTPOS unit will be called after the user tabs/enters out of Tendered/Cash Out.
Once the EFTPOS transaction is complete, the tender line will be dimmed out and un-modifiable.
There is no limit to the number of EFTPOS transactions users can enter in this mode.
Cancelling Transactions
When in ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode, if the user presses “Cancel” after processing EFTPOS transactions, the system will do the following:
- Bring up a message asking if the user wishes to process reversals. This message is:
“OK to reverse processed EFTPOS Transactions?
YES | No”
- Print out all EFTPOS receipts (originals)
- Process a reversal for each processed EFTPOS transaction, printing out the receipt after each one.
Cash Out
The Cash Out option has been moved up to the payment line to the right of the actual payment method. This allows users to perform multiple cash out when in ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode. The configuration for Max Cash Out applies to the total sale, not per EFTPOS transaction.
Point of Sale
Every time a user goes into Point of Sale, a check is made for outstanding processed EFTPOS transactions. This can happen when the user was previously in ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode, processed some EFTPOS transactions, there is no sale attached, and the transactions have not been reversed.
Example scenarios:
- User switches to ‘Multi EFTPOS’ mode, processes some EFTPOS transactions, then presses Cancel. The system starts the reversals, but:
- the POS terminal loses power
- the user presses cancel on the PC-EFTPOS screen
- the user gets a system error.
If this occurs, and outstanding processed EFTPOS transactions exists, a System Administrator is needed to make manual adjustments. If the current user is not a System Administrator, “;ME” is automatically performed. The system will then bring up a new screen detailing the outstanding processed EFTPOS transactions, showing the last EFTPOS transaction, and allow the user to make any Manual EFTPOS transactions. Once done, they must press the Reset button to clear the log (Which in turn will then allow entry into Point of Sale on that Port/Session).
Clear Register Totals
Any Manual EFTPOS transactions performed will be shown in detail at the bottom of the print out.