Payroll System > New Fraction Calculation

A new LSL Calculation Base called Fraction has been created  and applies within the following screens:

Long Service Leave Maintenance

To cater for differences in how Long Service Leave can be calculated, the following changes have been made within Long Service Leave Maintenance :

  • ‘Contingent Start Yrs’ has now be moved to the start of the record
  • ‘Fraction’ has now been added as an option to base the calculation on
  • The following fields have been added for ‘Calculation Based’ on Weeks:
    • Init Qual Yrs
    • Init Value
    • Subs Qual Yrs
    • Subs Value
  • The following fields have been added for ‘Calculation Based’ on Fraction:
    • Init Qual Yrs
    • Init Value (i.e. <numerator> / <denominator>)
    • Subs Qual Yrs
    • Subs Value (i.e. <numerator> / <denominator>)

Note: Changes made to any of these fields used in the calculations on an existing record, will prompt the following warning to users when the changes are saved. This message has been created to remind users that they may need to manually update Employee Entitlements where deemed necessary:

An Example of Long Service Leave field values based on Fraction: 
An Employee is entitled to Long Service Leave after 7 years calculated as one sixtieth [1/60] of ordinary hours worked, and from that point on they accrue additional Long Service Leave (again calculated at one sixtieth), which can be used immediately. 

Employee Maintenance

When users access an Employee file and change the Normal Weekly Hours, a new Warning prompt will be displayed. This message has been created to remind users that they may need to manually update Employee Entitlements where deemed necessary:

Payroll Entry

Accepting a Payroll Batch will now also update all ‘Long Service (Leave) Hours’ related fields within the Entitlements button of Employee Maintenance if an employee is configured to use Long Service Leave ‘Calculation based on Fraction’. This includes both the Non-Contingent and Accrued Date fields.