Payroll > New Income Type : ‘Non- Reportable’

A new Income Type called ‘Non-Reportable’ has been created and applied within the following screens:

Pay Allocation Maintenance

Within Pay Allocations a new Income type has been created called ‘Non-Reportable’. This new Income type will allow sites to show a payment that is essentially non-reportable.
Please note: the Income Type can not be changed to or changed from ‘Non-Reportable’ if Payroll transactions exist for the Allocation within the Financial year.

Pay Advice Slips (eDocs only)

When the Income Type of Non-Reportable has been used within a Payroll Cycle, it will be shown within the Description field as “(Non-Reportable)” on eDoc Pay Advice Slips.

Single Touch Payroll

As the Income Type suggests- it’s Non-Reportable, therefore any Payroll Transactions with the Income Type of ‘Non-Reportable’ will be excluded from the data sent via STP to the ATO.

Payroll Reports

The below Payroll Reports will print the total Non-Reportable amount under Total Income surrounded by brackets, but only if there is a non-zero amount:

  • Payroll Entry – Preview
  • PAYG Withholding Report
  • Preview Payroll Sheet
  • Payroll Sheet
  • Payroll Register Report
  • Employee Summary Report (Based on ‘Wages Paid’)
  • Division Summary Report (Based on ‘Wages Paid’)
  • Location Summary Report (Based on ‘Wages Paid’)
  • Department Summary Report (Based on ‘Wages Paid’)