DPS is a Electronic Document Management System enabling Businesses to access stored documents within a Google Drive account which are then linked to a Transaction within the ACR system. The DPS can only support files in a PDF format. The DPS is primarily designed to enable the system to automatically identify Supplier Invoices and Delivery Dockets and link them to the respective Stock and Creditor transactions. Users can also use the ACR DPS to backup any Customer Information like Contracts, Supplier Correspondence, Product information such as specification sheets and Employee information like TFN Declarations, by manually uploading the document.
DPS Configuration
The DPS Configuration screen is where sites are able to set the parameters for processing their DPS documents. These settings will be initially configured with the ACR Training Team upon installation. Once the DPS is installed and Auto Process active, sites will be able to start linking documents with newly created transactions.
Once initially configured, users are able to make adjustments to the following fields:
- Auto Process documents for transactions in the last 1 – 30 days
- Auto Trash failed documents after 1 – 12 months
- Unlink a Document User Group Default
- Learn Assist User Group Default
The DPS Auto Process tickbox is an ACR only configuration. If Sites choose to have this turned on, it will enable the system to automatically link completed Supplier Invoices and Delivery Dockets to respective Stock Receipt and Creditor Purchase Journal specific Transactions. When this is off, no links can be created to specific transactions.
When this is both on and off, irrespective of whether you decide to have auto processing configured on or not, users will be able to manually upload documents to Customer/Supplier/Product/Employee files where no links can be created to specific transactions. This configuration can be changed at any time.
DPS Document Type Maintenance
This screen allows Users to create Group Types for Manual Document uploads. It will help users to view / search documents easily as they are sorted into identifiable groups.
These created Group Types will be used under the ‘Documents’ button within Customer/Supplier/Product/Employee Maintenance screens to sort and group documents.
Documents manually uploaded are attached to an entity (Customer, Supplier, Product, Employee) rather than a specific transaction.
What is DPS Learn Assist?
The Learn Assist mode uses the ACR DPS built in artificial intelligence to allow automatic matching, filing and processing of documents.
The Learn Assist screen will show Documents that have failed to Auto Process.
The three icons to the right represent actions users can take:
- PDF file– clicking on this allows you to view the PDF
- Light Bulb– clicking on this allows users to manually direct the document
- Trash Bin– clicking on this allows users to remove the stored PDF file into the DPS Trash Folder.
Users should note that the DPS Learn Assist is only accessible by the User Group configured within the DPS.
The Light Bulb symbol when selected will open to a new window enabling users to assist the DPS in learning how to identify not only the selected the document, but also automatically recognise similar ones in the future.
How can I load my auto process documents into the DPS?
There are 3 ways users can load documents from their PC into the DPS.
- Directly from your PC Google Drive: by Uploading, Saving or using ‘drag & drop’ you can move the selected PDF file/s into your DPS Auto Process folder. Alternatively, when scanning your document, save it directly to the DPS Auto Process folder.
- Directly from your ACR Docs directory ‘dps_auto_upload’ folder – by placing (drag & drop) the selected PDF file/s into this folder from any location on your PC. The system will then automatically move files from this folder into the Google Drive DPS Auto Process folder. Alternatively, when scanning your document, save it directly to the ‘Docs Directory dps_auto_upload folder’.
- From the DPS Pull-Down Menu at the top of the screen – Every program or form that can show a DPS transaction will have the DPS option available in the Pull-Down menu at the top of the screen.
Select ‘Auto Process Upload’ and a new window will open. This opens a new window where users are asked to select the document to be uploaded into the Auto Process folder.
How do I load a manual document into the DPS?
Documents can be uploaded easily from Customer/ Supplier/ Product/ Employee Maintenance. Firstly select the Customer/ Supplier/ Product/ Employee record you would like to upload a document to, once loaded select the ‘Documents’ button. This will open a new window and also change the File menu to show DPS options.
Select ‘Upload a Document’ and a new window will open.
Users can then select the Document Type, enter or browse for the Document Filename, optionally enter the Document Reference and select OK. The Document Types can be configured within DPS Document Type Maintenance.
How do I Unlink a Document?
Documents can be easily unlinked from within a loaded Customer/ Supplier/ Product/ Employee Maintenance file. By selecting the ‘Documents’ button, this will open a new window and also changes the File menu to show DPS options.
Select ‘Unlink Document’ and the system will display a confirmation message, click yes to confirm.
Users will then see a new message asking ‘if they would like the file opened with DPS Learn Assist?’. Users can either select No to allow the file to return to the DPS Learn Assist folder for review at a later time or select Yes to open the DPS Learn Assist entry screen. This is where users can then redirect the file to another specified transaction.
Users should note that this function (Unlink) is only accessible by the User Group configured within the DPS and users will only be prompted to enter the DPS Learn Assist, if they belong to the User group set within the DPS Configuration.