New menu item called ‘Import Process Utility’ has been created within the Toolbox section of the Main Menu.
This currently only supports ‘Product Inactivation’.
When selecting this menu item it will bring up the Windows file selection for users to then select the appropriate tab delimited text file. The file needs to have a heading line, with ‘Product ID’ being the only mandatory column. All other columns listed in the file will be ignored by the system.
Once Users have selected the file, a new window will open and the file will load.
When users select ‘Continue’, the system will attempt to inactive all listed Products. If the Product exists in an active Special, instead of an error result, the system will automatically set that Product to DNU on that Special.
Please note that when setting a Product to Inactive, the normal rules apply. I.e. a products’ SOH must be zero, the product must not exist in an active stocktake
When the file is successfully processed the product will be made inactive and the following message will be displayed.