Confirmation System for RFUnits: Picking Slips and Confirmations > New ASN functionality

For those sites using the ASN functionality, we have now added support on RF Units within Picking Slip and Confirmation screen options, Users will see the following changes. 

On product line completion, a new screen will come up “Container Product Details” if the following conditions are True:

  • Bill to Customer has ‘ASN Based Customer’ set to True
  • Product line is not fully shorted
  • at least one of the below is True:
    • Bill to Customer has ‘Product Date Mandatory’ set to True and Product has ‘ASN Date Type’ set to a value other than ‘None’
    • Bill to Customer has ‘Product Batch Mandatory’ set to True and Product has ‘ASN Batch’ set to True

This new screen will give the user the ability to enter in the appropriate date and/or batch. Users are able to key in a value of ‘D’ in the date field in order to have the system auto generate a Default value. Users are able to key in a value of ‘N’ in the batch field in order to have the system switch it to a value of NULL.

When working out a Default Date value, the system will use one of the two new configurations, based on the Products ‘ASN Date Type’.

  • If Product ‘ASN Date Type’ is set to ‘Manufacture’, then the default date value will be the current server real date minus (‘Manufacture Date Default Weeks’ * 7) days.
  • Alternately, the Default Date value will be the current server real date plus (‘Shelf Life Date Default Weeks’ * 7) days.

Users will only be able to use this default date function if the corresponding configuration is set within Invoice Configurations > ASN tab.

Once an Invoice is fully confirmed/picked, the system will now only create the ASN file if the new configuration ‘Output ASN File’ is set to True.

RF UNit Confirmations example screens:
Upon Product Line Completion, the ‘Container Product Details” window opens for the user to enter Date and Batch Details

Another example showing where the ASN Product Date Type is set to None for Container 2: