With a number of sites closing down or working with only a skeleton staff over the festive season ACR would like to remind you of a few points to help with smooth operations during this time.
- The End Of Month process is the same as any other month, however if you are going to run this early (any day other than the 31st December) the system date must be set to the last day of month before running the End Of Month Process.
- Make sure the system date is set to the correct date after completing the Month End process and before any transactions are processed on the first day of the New Year. This means setting the system date to be the 2nd of January instead of the 1st after completing the Month end process if you are not going to trade on the 1st of January. A message will show when a user opens invoicing/Point of Sale if the date is incorrect.
- Important: For those sites that do not have ACR Cloud Backup, make sure somebody is going to be checking that the backups have been successful each night and that the tapes have been rotated. It is critical to ensure that current offsite backups (either Tapes or USB Hard Drives) are still being rotated and kept offsite during the festive season.
*Cloud Backup USB Hard Drives are swapped around as per your normal procedure