Invoicing System > Back Orders – New Address functionality

In support of the new Address Override functionality, when users are within the Invoicing system and are looking to add back order/s in, they will now have the ability to select which Address Details they wish to use. With this change, the previous restrictions which stopped Users from loading Back Orders which had Address Override details on an Invoice, an Invoice already with a Product loaded, have been removed. 

Now Users will have the choice when the following parameters are all true:

  • Customer has ‘Send Back Orders by separate Invoices by Sales Order’ set to False (Customer Maintenance > Backorders)
  • and, has at least one Back Order that is ready, which has Address Override details 
  • and, there are multiple possible Address Details (which includes the current Ship to Address Details on the Invoice)

When the above is True, the ‘Yes’ option is removed when the system informs the User if they want to load the Back Orders. The only options available will be No and View. This happens on ;B or after pressing Complete.

When the User selects View, and selects Back Orders that results in the above being True, then the ‘Select Delivery Address’ screen will show. 

The first option will always be the current Ship To Address Details on the Invoice. All other options will be from the Back Orders selected. When the User presses OK, the selected Address Details will override the Ship To Address Details on the Invoice. 

This functionality can be reverted to previous system behaviour by using the Invoice Configuration > Back Orders settings.

Note: This also applies to the button ‘Invoice Cus Back Orders’ within ‘Back Order Maintenance’.