Index Search Configuration > new Search Types

The menu item ‘Search Configuration’ has been updated and now includes Customer and Supplier search types. These new configurations will allow sites to configure default settings for the Global Search functionality. This update now completes the Global Search functionality across the system by now applying to Product, Customer and Supplier.

Users can also configure their own defaults with the ability to restore the system defaults if required. To configure the Index screen for Users, click here: Change My Configuration

To configure your site, navigate directly to the menu item ‘Search Configuration’. Change the option within the drop down Search Type Box to select the Index search screen to configure:

Customer Search Index:

Supplier Search Index:

Search Type
The Search Type options now include: 

  • Product
  • Customer
  • Supplier

Default Layout
Sites will have 3 Layout Options to choose from with Mandatory fields greyed out:

Filter Sequence Based on Usage
When this is selected, the Filters sequence will apply to the User’s usage with the most used listed first. This sorting only applies on the Index initial loading.

On No Result Perform ? Search
This setting will default to True and will assist the Global System Search function where a prefix has not been used and no results have been found. In this scenario the system will check if this Configuration is on / off. If off, the system will not use this function to further return search results. When on and the keyin value is 2 characters or greater in length, it will perform an ‘Exists In’ search on Trading Name / Name. If one record is found it will be returned, or if more than one record is found then the index screen will load.

Expanded Index over menu
If ticked on, the Expanded Index Search screen will open over the ACR side menu panel

Index extends to right hand side
If ticked on, the right hand side of either Index screens will load to the maximum width

Search Columns
This allows for what information to be shown in the columns across the screen from left to right. Note: mandatory fields can be moved to any position in the list

Search Filters
This allows for filters to be set when performing an Expanded Search so the user can filter the results of a search. When performing a new search, the Filter selections are cleared. Note: Customers will continue to automatically filter by Business Unit if configured for Site/User.

Search Conditions
This allows for the user to add conditions to the search when performing an Expanded Search. A ‘Default’ for each condition can also be set as either True or False. The Fields within these Search parameters can then be sorted by being moved up and down.