Point of Sale > Global Parameters new configuration

Within Global Parameters a new drop down field called ‘Default Payment Method’ has been created which will give sites the option to set a Default Payment Method. This is a great new feature as it gives sites further control and efficiency within their systems enabling them to set the most common method of payment suited for their business. This change is in response to a number of sites finding that the current system only default of Cash is no longer the best option as more Customers are now using other methods like Eftpos for example. The list of options is determined by what is set for the site within an ACR only configuration called ‘Advance Global Parameters’. Upon installation the Default option will be set to CASH and users will notice the set default method within both the Sale Tender / A/C Payment screens where the Method field is displayed.

ACR only Advance Global Parameters Point of Sale Payment options configuration:

The available Point of Sale Payment methods available to sites is listed below. If sites would like to adjust the current set options for their site please email training@acr.com.au