Within the Wholesale environment only Sites can now overlay an image onto their Invoices / Delivery Dockets. This is designed to make it easier for sites to incorporate an affiliated brand logo for example.
To do this the image must first be installed by navigating to Invoice Image Overlay Maintenance.
Toolbox > Maintenance >Invoice Image Overlay Maintenance.
Users create a record, enter a description and select the ‘Type’ (Delivery Docket only, Invoices or Invoices and Delivery Dockets). Enter the Position and Scale information, the image can then be uploaded by pressing the ‘Upload’ button. The image can be tested to view the scale and position with the ‘Test’ button or removed with the ‘Clear’ button.
A bonus feature is being able to have a separate image for Colour printing and Black/White printing.
Once Users are happy with the information they can test how the image will appear on the actual eDocuments (showing a PDF for both Delivery Docket and Invoice) by pressing the ‘Test Colour’ and ‘Test Black and White’ buttons.
In order to qualify which Customers will have these images overlaid onto their Wholesale Invoice eDocument navigate to Customer Invoice Image Maintenance.
Toolbox > Maintenance> Customer Invoice Image Maintenance
Users create a New record and input a Customer for which they would like an image overlay to print on. Up to 2 Overlays can be selected from the drop down boxes (previously created in invoice Image Overlay Maintenance).
‘Test Colour’ and ‘Test Black/White’ will use the Customer to work out which Wholesale Invoice eDocument to use. Due to configured filters and/or Direct Shipments, this may not be the default Wholesale Invoice eDocument. Meaning it will print out what that Customer would normally have. The pdf will include a test for the Delivery Docket, as well as a test for the Tax Invoice.
To handle adding/changing a large number of Customer invoice images in bulk, users can do so by utilising the new Export / Import Customer Invoice Images menu item.
Toolbox > Export / Import Customer Invoice Images
Users can export out current entries and modify/add new entries. The mandatory field headings are:
- Account Number
- Invoice Image Overlay ID 1
- Invoice Image Overlay ID 2
The following screen will appear upon pressing import and choosing the file destination. Users can then view the information, look for any warnings/errors and press Update.
Note: On Invoice printing the system will check Ship To and Bill To Customer and include any Image Overlay records. If eDoc Document Type Overlays exist the system will include these images first, before adding any Invoice Image Overlays. If the positions overlap, the Invoice Image Overlays will be on top.