Export / Import Utility
A change has been made to the Export/Import utility fields available under the Customer options. The following fields have been added to the Customer options. Mail To Address Line 1 Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
A change has been made to the Export/Import utility fields available under the Customer options. The following fields have been added to the Customer options. Mail To Address Line 1 Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A new field has been added to the Customer options called ‘Don’t Print Wholesale Price’
A new field has been added under the Customer drop down. This field is called ‘Range Based Customer’.
A change has been made to the Export / Import Utility, a new field has been added to the product drop down called ‘Next Price Reference’
Additional Qualifying options have been added to string fields. String fields are fields that can have strings of characters (letters and numbers) entered into this. Examples of these are Product Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A new field has been added to the Product export called ‘Compiled Item Cost’. For Compiled Items, this field will show the total Cost based on all of the Included Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A change has been made to how data is exported and can be imported into the ACR export / Import utility for the Web Category fields. On Export all values Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A change has been made to last weeks update. It is no longer required to have a value in the qualifier field when you have selected the prompt tickbox when Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A change has been made to how exports can be qualified. A new set of qualifiers have been added that allow for a greater range of options when trying to Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility
A change has been made to the Export / Import Utility screen. Exports are now able to be created and stored for repeated use. New options are now available on Continue ReadingExport / Import Utility